Barely five months after the death of popular Nollywood actor, Murphy Afolabi, another movie star, Cindy Amadi, who is known for her role in the lesbian-themed movie titled, “Ife” has died. This was confirmed by the producers of the movie, “Ife”, in a statement on their Instagram page on Thursday.
The statement read, “We are greatly, deeply and unbelievably saddened to learn about the passing of Cindy Amadi, who played Adaora in #ìféthemovie.
“We cannot begin to imagine the pain and loss her family feel right now. On behalf of our entire cast and crew, we send our deepest condolences to her family and wish them all the comfort they need at this time.
“Rest in Peace, Cindy. Thank you for sharing your gift with us. We will always remember you and you live on in our hearts forever.”
A filmmaker and producer of “Ife”, Pamela Adie, also confirmed the actress’ death on her Facebook story saying, “This wasn’t the plan, Cindy. I promised you we’d make the sequel and you were excited. I’m sorry we couldn’t complete it in time. But we will complete it…for you. Rest in peace for now.”
The cause of Amadi’s death is not yet known as at the time of filing this report.
Murphy Afolabi died on 14, May 2023.