Kunle Okuneye the father of Crossdressers, Idris Okuneye popularly known as Bobrisky is dead. A son of the deceased, Debola Okuneye, confirmed the news on Monday, saying, “Yes, my father died this morning and we are making preparations for his burial.”
A friend and colleague of the deceased simply known as a Lastborn who is the Secretary of the Beach Nigeria Enterprises, a car hire service situated at the Federal Palace Hotel, Lagos, where the late Okuneye worked as one of its directors, also confirmed the death of Okuneye. He said the deceased will be buried according to Islamic rites by 4 p.m. today.
Okuneye, a native of Ijebu-Igbo in Ogun state, will be laid to rest in his hometown, Ijebu Igbo, Ogun State today.