Pneumonia is an infection that inflames air sacs in one or both lungs, which may be filled with fluid. With pneumonia, the air sacs will be filled with fluid or pus. The infection can be life-threatening to anyone, but particularly to infants, children and people over 65.
VIRUSES, BACTERIA, and FUNGI can be causes of pneumonia.
In the United States, common causes of viral pneumonia are influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19). A common cause of bacterial pneumonia is Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus). So, it’s an infection
Pneumonia is mostly spread when people infected cough, sneeze or talk, sending respiratory droplets into the air. These droplets can then be inhaled by close contacts. Less often, you can get pneumonia from touching an object or surface that has the germ on it and then touching your nose or mouth.
The symptoms of pneumonia can develop suddenly over 24 to 48 hours, or they may come on more slowly over several days.
– A cough – which may be dry, or produce thick yellow, green, brown or blood-stained mucus (phlegm)
– Difficulty breathing – your breathing may be rapid and shallow, and you may feel breathless, even when resting
– Rapid heartbeat
– High temperature
– Feeling generally unwell
– Sweating and shivering
– Loss of appetite.
– Chest pain – which gets worse when breathing or coughing.
*** Other Less common symptoms include:
– Coughing up blood (haemoptysis)
– Headaches
– Fatigue
– Feeling sick or being sick
-Wheezing – The quality or symptom of breathing with an audible sound like human whistle.
– Joint and muscle pain
– Feeling confused and disorientated, particularly in elderly people.
Can pneumonia be cured permanently?
Often, people who have pneumonia can be successfully treated, though sometimes complications still happen. Complications are more likely if pneumonia is untreated. These complications are more common in children, older adults, and people with other serious conditions.
Can a pneumonia patient drink milk? This is a Very common question people ask.
Avoid dairy products when you are suffering from pneumonia as this can worsen symptoms. While milk is nutritious and filled with calcium, it contains casomorphin, a “breakdown product of milk,” which has been known to increase mucus in the intestines.
Take 15mls orally morning and night. Also, get sheer butter, and mix a quantity of Jigsimur in it till it becomes creamy. Then use it to rub your chest and forehead morning and night. Get a minimum of up to 5 bottles (treatment pack) to use consistently till desired result is achieved.
What helps pneumonia go away faster?
Drink warm beverages, take steamy baths and use a humidifier to help open your airways and ease your breathing. Contact your doctor right away if your breathing gets worse . Stay away from smoke until your lungs heal . This includes smoking, secondhand smoke and wood smoke.
Stay healthy Always!
Adelekan Oluwaseun Ojo, is a counseling psychologist, and a business & health consultant with Jigsimur Zdex Int’l, a company which is into the production and distribution of Jigsimur herbal health drink, a natural curative and preventive herbal medicine from South Africa.